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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Words vs Brush Strokes!

I pondered long and hard on what my identity really was. I started writing my book way before I picked up a blank canvas. Eight years ago to be precise. After all these years, my unfinished manuscript still works its way on the table right next to my cappucino, meanwhile, the artist in me has explored many realms of colour and style. With several international solo exhibitions filling up my once bleak 'Artist's Resume' my dream to be a published author remains unfulfilled.Words flow with increasing ease when jotting down thoughts and visions for my next exhibition, yet words elude me when I look down at the seventh marked up copy of my manuscript.I know it will happen sooner than later and hence it is a Writer's Canvas and not an Artist's Notebook. For if I can continue to believe that I can communicate just as easily with words as I do with brushstrokes I will soon be holding my first published book in my hands.